0-16 Week Education

Educación de 0 a 16 semana

Congratulations! This period marks the beginning of pregnancy. Your baby’s major organs and structures start to form, and the heart begins to beat. You may experience morning sickness, fatigue, tender breasts or mood swings. At your initial visit, you can expect blood tests, an ultrasound and an overall assessment of your medical history. Our team will make an individualized plan for how to care for you during your pregnancy.

Read: A Guide to Your Pregnancy — Sections 1-3
Section 1: What to Expect at Your Visits
Section 2: Common Discomforts in Pregnancy
Section 3: Healthy Eating in Pregnancy

0-16 Week Education Videos

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Optional: Healthy Pregnancy Class

Educator with two people and a baby in a classroom.

Duke’s Preparing for Baby program offers a Healthy Pregnancy class. Register at this link.