34-40 Week Education

Educación de 34 a 40 semanas

Your due date is approaching! It’s a time of anticipation and final preparations for the arrival of your baby. Most babies are positioned head down and moving lower in the pelvis. You may experience increased pelvic pressure or frequent urination. At your visits, your health care team will help plan for your delivery. They can review signs of labor and what to do when labor starts.

34-40 Week Education Videos

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What Can I do To Manage Pain In Labor?

Now is a good time to start thinking about how you want to manage your contractions in labor. A support person is important. There are other ways to help you manage labor, too.

Follow these instructions to learn how you can manage pain in labor.

What Is An Induction Of Labor And Do I Need One?

An induction is when medicine is given to you to start labor instead of waiting for you to go into labor on your own. You may need an induction for medical reasons. Some healthy women also choose to have an induction of labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy. A large medical study, called the ARRIVE study, found being induced at 39 weeks is safe for first-time moms without medical conditions and may have some benefits. In the study, women who had an induction at 39 weeks were less likely to develop high blood pressure or preeclampsia and had a slightly lower chance of having a C-section. If you would like to learn more, we recommend discussing induction with your provider.