28-34 Week Education

Educación de 28 a 34 semanas

Your baby continues to mature and prepare for birth. The lungs develop, and the baby gains more fat. You may experience increased discomfort, including difficulty sleeping. You may experience Braxton Hicks contractions, also called “false” or “practice” contractions. Now is a good time to start preparing for the baby's arrival and pack a hospital bag.

Read: A Guide to Your Pregnancy — Section 5
Section 5: Information on Postpartum Care

Read: Choosing a Pediatrician 

28-34 Week Education Videos

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Pelvic Floor Health

How Can Perineal Massage Help Me Prepare For Birth?

  • The perineum is the area at the back of your vagina.
  • You may be less likely to need stitches for a tear during the birth of your baby.

Follow these instructions to learn how you can perform perineal massage.

Childbirth: Protecting Your Pelvic Floor
Patients should practice caution if performing perineal massage in the shower.

Schedule A Car Seat Installation Appointment