Katherine Bishop, MD, and Allison Puechl, MD, have each been awarded $3,000 in funding, made possible by grants from The Duke Endowment (TDE), for submissions to the 2017 Duke GME High Value Care Quality Improvement Competition. Dr. Bishop's funding is for her project titled “Increasing Female HPV Vaccination Rates in a Gynecology and Primary Care Clinic” (with faculty support by John Schmitt, MD and Jane Trinh, MD). The project was reviewed by a panel of Duke Health leaders in high value care and quality improvement. Dr. Puechl's award is for her project titled “Improving End of Life Transitions and Inpatient Health Care Utilization in Terminally Ill Gynecologic Oncology Patients” (with faculty support by Laura Havrilesky, MD). The competition for funding attracted many high-quality applications. and the reviewers noted that Dr. Bishop's and Dr. Puechl's proposals aligned with a value based domain, and would demonstrate an impact on care delivery within the year.