Grand Rounds

Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds is a recurring medical education event intended to provide up-to-date knowledge about current topics in Obstetrics and Gynecology and related specialties. 

Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds is held virtually and in person on most Wednesday mornings from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Faculty, trainees, nurses and medical students are welcome to attend and/or virtually watch Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds. 

Those on the distribution list will receive the recurring Zoom meeting invitation and passcode in Outlook. If you would like to be added to the distribution list, please email Lynn Montoya.

Recordings will be available on the Duke Ob/Gyn Intranet (Net ID required).

2025 Grand Rounds

Jan. 8  |  Cannabis Use and Reproductive Health 
Jamie Lo, MD, Associate Professor, Ob/Gyn, Perinatology and Genetics Clinic, Oregon Health & Science University

Jan. 15 |  Fellow Grand Rounds: Quality and Safety in Women's Health: Confronting Health Care's Carbon Footprint 
Joseph Lafferty, MD, Fellow, Quality and Safety in Women's Health, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Jan. 22 |  Contraceptive Research and Development at FHI 360 
Kavita Nanda, MD, MPH, Adjunct Faculty, Duke; Director of Medical Research, Family Health International, FHI 360

Jan. 29 |  Resident Grand Rounds: The Pill: More than Meets the Eye 
Dayana Hernandez Calderon, MD, Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Feb. 5 |  Resident Grand Rounds: Sustainable Surgery: The Ob/Gyn's Green OR 
Janice Wong, MD, Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Feb. 19 |  New and Evolving Guidelines for RhD Immunoglobulin in Early Pregnancy 
Sarah Horvath, MD, MSHP, Vice Chair of Research, Ob/Gyn, Penn State University, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center

Feb. 26 |  Fellow Grand Rounds: Obstetric Consequences of Nonobstetric Surgery 
Mira Estin, MD, PhD, Fellow, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

March 5 |  A Tiered Approach to Uterine Fibroid Management 
Obianuju Madueke-Laveaux, MD, Associate Professor, Ob/Gyn, University of Chicago Medicine

Previous Grand Rounds

Jan. 10  |  Sacrifice Syndrome: A Survivor's Guide 
Matthew Barber, MD, MHS, Chair, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Jan. 17 |  Resident Grand Rounds: Autonomy (or Lack Thereof) in Pregnancy 
Lauren Farmer, MD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Jan. 24  |  Resident Grand Rounds: Providing Feedback in the Modern World of Medical Education
Sloane Mebane, MD, Wellness Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Jan. 31  |  Panel Discussion: Caring for Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorder at Duke
Elizabeth Livingston, MD, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Ob/Gyn, DUHS
Dana Clifton, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine
Andrea Dotson, MD, IBCLC, MSPH, Assistant Professor in Family Medicine and Community Health

Feb. 7  |  Resident Grand Rounds: Hear Their Stories: Maternal Mortality
Ravyn Njagu, MD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Feb. 21  |  Resident Grand Rounds: Addressing Sexual Dysfunction
Meagan Kelly, MD, Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Feb. 28  |  Fellow Grand Rounds: Finding A Balance: Controversies in Surgical Management of Endometrial Intraepithelial Neoplasia (EIN)
Pamela Peters, MD, Gynecologic Oncology Fellow, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

March 6  |  An Evidence-Based Approach to Preimplantation Genetic Testing of Embryos
Eric Forman, MD, Medical and Laboratory Director, Columbia University Fertility Center

March 13  |  Lumps and Bumps — Recognizing and Treating Conditions Involving the Vulva and Vagina
John Gebhart, MD, Chair, Division of Urogynecology, Department of Ob/Gyn, Mayo Clinic

March 27  |  Resident Grand Rounds: Medicolegal Considerations for the Modern Ob/Gyn
Elizabeth Howell, MD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

April 3  |  Presidential Lecture: 2024 Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting
Angeles Alvarez Secord, MD, MHSC, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gynecologic Oncology, Duke Ob/Gyn

April 17 |  Fellow Grand Rounds: Estrogen Therapy Across a Lifetime
Shilpi Agrawala, MD, REI Fellow, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

April 24 |  Fellow Grand Rounds: The Menstrual Cycle and Endometrial Decidualization: How, Why and When It Goes Wrong
Douglas Timmons, MD, REI Fellow, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

May 8 |  Fellow Grand Rounds: The Unusual History of the First Successful Cesarean Sections
Ronan Sugrue, MBBCh, MPH, MFM Fellow, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

May 15 |  Andrew Berchuck, MD, Gynecologic Oncology Endowed Lecture
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease – Duke Southeastern Regional Trophoblastic Disease Center Perspectives and Current Management
John Soper, MD, Professor of Ob/Gyn, UNC-Chapel Hill; Former fellow and faculty member, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Duke Ob/Gyn

May 22 |  Consequences of the End of Roe: Lessons from the Turnaway Study
Diana Greene Foster, PhD, Demographer and Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, University of California, San Francisco

May 29 |  Fellow Grand Rounds: Peripartum OASIS Care at Duke Health: Past, Present and Future of Quality Improvement Initiatives
Alejandro Gómez-Viso, MD, Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery Fellow, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

June 12 |  Resident Grand Rounds: Ob/Gyn Care for the Incarcerated Patient: Be Informed, Not Judgmental
Kristen Carrillo-Kappus, MD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Aug. 7  |  Understanding and Addressing Weight Stigma in Women's Health Care (Hosted by the EDI Committee)
Erin Standen, PhD, Research Associate, Mayo Clinic

Aug. 21  |  Innovative Approaches in Translational Research and Treatment of Perinatal Depression
Samantha Meltzer Brody, MD, MPH, Assad Meymandi Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Aug. 28  |  Moral Obligations of Physicians in a Post-Dobbs Landscape (Hosted by Duke Ob/Gyn's Ethics Endowment/"Ethics on Tap" Program)
Annie Lyerly, MD, MA, Professor, Social Medicine; Research Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology; Associate Director of the Center for Bioethics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Sept. 4  |  Keepers of the House: A Unique Documentary About the Unseen Work of Hospital Housekeepers
Neil Prose, MD, Professor of Dermatology; Research Professor of Global Health; Professor of Pediatrics; Associate of the Duke Initiative for Science and Society, DUHS 

Sept. 11  |  Applying to Residency 2.0: Fostering Success
Sarah Dotters-Katz, MD, MMHPE, and Brittany Davidson, MD, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Sept. 18  |  Resident Grand Rounds: Out-of-Hospital Birth: Prevalence, Safety and the Role of the Hospital-Based Obstetrician
Colleen Judge-Golden, MD, PhD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Sept. 25  |  The Shame Competent Residency Program: What It Is, Why We Need It and How to Create It
Will Bynum IV, MD, Associate Professor, Family Medicine, DUHS

Oct. 2  |  Recurrent UTIs: Lessons Learned from the Microbiome
Nazema Siddiqui, MD, MHSc, Associate Professor, Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

*Oct. 16  |  The Third Annual Clarke-Pearson Lectureship in Gyn Oncology, presented by UNC Ob/Gyn
Rare but Impactful: Cultivating a Career in Uncommon Cancers
Amanda Nickles Fader, MD, Professor, Ob/Gyn; Vice Chair of Gynecologic Surgical Operations; and Director of the Center for Rare Gynecologic Cancers, Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center
2024-2025 President of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology
*7-8 a.m.

Oct. 23  |  Fellow Grand Rounds: Diagnosis and Management of Cesarean Scar and Cervical Ectopic Implantation
Virginia Watkins, MD, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Fellow, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Oct. 30  |  Fellow Grand Rounds: The Reproductive Aged Urogynecologic Patient
Abbigail Woll, MD, Urogynecology and Reproductive Pelvic Surgery Fellow, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Nov. 6  |  Cancer Genetics in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Unlocking the Potential of Personalized Care
Melissa Frey, MD, Associate Professor, Gynecologic Oncology, Weill Cornell Medicine

*Nov. 13  |  6th Annual Duke Association of Women Surgeons: Empowerment
Julie Ann Sosa, MD, MA, Chair, Department of Surgery, University of California San Francisco
Sanziana Roman, MD, Professor, Department of Surgery, University of California San Francisco
*7-8 a.m.

Nov. 20  |  E-Cigarette Use During Pregnancy: New Flavor(s) of the Same Story?
Margeaux Marbrey, PhD, Assistant Professor, Reproductive Sciences, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Dec. 4  |  Resident Grand Rounds: Innovations in Cervical Cancer Prevention in Resource-Limited Settings: mSaada
Thao Nguyen, MD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Dec. 18  |  Resident Grand Rounds: Breast Cancer and Pregnancy: Navigating the Difficulties of Diagnosis and Treatment
Bobby May Jr., MD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

January 4  |  Fellow Grand Rounds: Bioethics at the Bedside: A Case for Relevance 
Luke Gatta, MD, Senior Fellow, MFM, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

January 11  |  Resident Grand Rounds: Beyond Wet to Dry: Optimizing Wound Care in Ob/Gyn 
Julia Salinaro, MD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

January 25  |  Grand Rounds: Investigating Overtreatment: Higher Rates of Hysterectomy Among Young Black Patients in the South 
Whitney Robinson, PhD, MSPH, Associate Professor, Women's Community and Population Health, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

February 1  |  Resident Grand Rounds: Friend or Foe? Improving the IUD Experiences 
Brianna Mastromarino, MD, Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

February 8  |  Injections in Gynecologic Care 
Mark Lachiewicz, MD, MPH, Women's Community and Population Health, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

February 22  |  Resident Grand Rounds: Adnexal Masses in Pregnancy: Diagnosis, Management and Outcomes 
Mary Katherine Anastasio, MD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

March 1  |  Grand Rounds: An Evidence-Aware Approach to Recurrent Pregnancy Loss 
Danny Schust, MD, Vice Chair for Research, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

March 8  |  Resident Grand Rounds: All Natural: An Ob/Gyn's Guide to Herbal Medicine 
Noor Al-Shibli, MD, Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

March 15  |  Fellow Grand Rounds: Optimizing Fertility: Evidence Based Considerations of Lifestyle and the Environment 
Jessica Selter, MDSenior Fellow, REI, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

March 22  |  Grand Rounds: Risk Stratification of Adnexal Masses: Intro to ACR O-RADS for US and MRI
Katherine Maturen, MD, MS, Abdominal Radiology, University of Michigan

March 29  |  Education Conference
Jonas  Swartz, MD, MPH: The Art of Floating Products
Nicole Kerner, MD: Review of New Methotrexate Policy
Sarah Dotters-Katz, MD, MMHPE: Medical Student Objectives and Curricular Updates for 2023-2024

April 5  |  Fellow Grand Rounds: "Can I Eat That?" A Review of Listeriosis in Pregnancy
Amanda Craig, MD, Senior Fellow, MFM, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

April 19  |  Fellow Grand Rounds: "There is No Quality Without Equity": Bringing Quality and Equity to Substance Use Screening in Pregnancy
Jennifer Cate, MD, Fellow, MFM, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

April 26  |  Grand Rounds: Interventions to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy: The CHOICE Project and Beyond
Jeffrey Peipert, MD, PhD, Chair, Department of Ob/Gyn, Indiana University School of Medicine

May 3  |  Donald T. Moore, MD, Endowed Lecture: "For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood": The Intersection of History, Racism and Medicine
Erica Marsh, MD, MSCI, Ob/Gyn, University of Michigan

May 24  |  Joint ED–Ob/Gyn Education Event: Management of Postpartum Hypertension/Preeclampsia
Vanisha Wilson, MD; Brenna Hughes, MD, MSc; Maria Small, MD, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

May 31  |  Inaugural Andrew Berchuck, MD Gynecologic Oncology Lectureship: Reflections on Gynecologic Oncology at Duke: Lessons Learned
Daniel Clarke-Pearson, MD, former chief of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology at Duke Ob/Gyn

June 7  |  Community Engagement and Health Equity Strategic Goals
Beverly Gray, MD; Sarahn Wheeler, MD, MHSc; Sir'Tauria Hilliard, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

June 21  |  Ergonomics of GYN Surgery
Stephanie Lim, MD, Incoming MIGS Fellow, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

August 2  |  Foundational Training 2: On Privilege and Oppression
Angel Collie, Director, Duke Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, Duke University

August 9  |  Human Specific Aspects of Preeclampsia: Role of Leptin and Siglec-6
Virginia Winn, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Director of Reproductive, Stem Cell and Perinatal Biology; Program Director for the Women’s Reproductive Health Research (K12) at Stanford University

August 23  |  Using Robots in Gynecologic Surgery: The Past, the Present and the Future
Emma Rossi, MD, Gynecologic Oncology, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

August 30  |  Pregnant with PFAS: The Threat of "Forever Chemicals" in North Carolina and Worldwide
Liping Feng, MD, Reproductive Sciences, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

September 6  |  The Rider and the Elephant: Motivating and Directing a Cultural Shift in the Learning Environment
Alice Chuang, MD, MEd, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, UNC School of Medicine

September 13  |  Resident Grand Rounds: Opioid Use in Pregnancy 
Alexandra Sundermann, MD, PhD, Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

September 20  |  Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Adopting Restorative Approaches and Values Congruence
Jane Gagliardi, MD, MHS, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medicine, DUHS

September 27  |  Human Embryo Implantation: Foundation for a Healthy Pregnancy
Steven Young, MD, PhD, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

October 4  |  Resident Grand Rounds: A Review of Current Guidelines for Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnosis
Carmen Santoli, MD, Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

October 18  |  Updates on Chronic Hypertension and Pregnancy - CHAP Trial
Alan Tita, MD, PhD, Mary Heersink Endowed Chair of Global Health; Associate Dean for Global and Women’s Health, Ob/Gyn, University of Alabama at Birmingham

November 1  |  Advancing Cancer Health Equity from Cell to Society: The Ovarian Cancer Epidemiology, Healthcare Access and Disparities Study
Tomi Akinyemiju, PhD, Associate Professor of Population Health and Global Health; Vice Chair, Diversity and Inclusion, Duke University Department of Population Health Sciences; Associate Director, Community Outreach, Engagement and Equity, Duke Cancer Institute, DUHS

November 8  |  Maestro Care Optimization for Ob/Gyn: "A Stitch in Time..."
Amie Kawasaki, MD, Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

November 15  |  The Second Annual Clarke-Pearson Lectureship in Gyn Oncology, presented by UNC Ob/Gyn
Groesbeck Parham, MD

December 6  |  Resident Grand Rounds: EIN 101
Kate Baumann, MD, MPH, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

December 20  |  The Evolution of Ob/Gyn Resident Education and Beyond
Fidel Valea, MD, System Chief of Gynecologic Oncology, Northwell Health; Director of Gynecologic Oncology, Northwell Health Cancer Institute

January 5  |  Fellow Grand Rounds: Postoperative Activity Restrictions: Show Me the Data! 
Michele O’Shea, MD, MPH, Senior Fellow, Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

January 12  |  Benign, Borderline and Early Stage Invasive Epithelial Ovarian Tumors
Andrew Berchuck, MD, Division Chief, Gynecologic Oncology, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

January 19  |  Chief Resident Grand Rounds: The Placenta
Miriam Estin, MD, PhD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

February 2  |  Chief Resident Grand Rounds: Virtual Versus In-Clinic Transvaginal Ultrasound for Ovarian Reserve Assessment
Esther Chung, MD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

February 9 at 8:30 a.m.  |  Grand Rounds: Environmental Exposures and Advocating for Changes that Promote Reproductive Health
Tracey Woodruff, PhD, MPH, Professor and Director, Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment, University of California at San Francisco

February 16  |  Fellow Grand Rounds: The Past, Present and Future of Cervical Cancer
Rafael Gonzalez, MD, Senior Fellow, Gynecologic Oncology, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

March 2  |  Chief Resident Grand Rounds: Some Like it Hot: Thermoregulation and the Perioperative Patient
Victoria Fashakin, MD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

March 9 at 8:30 a.m.  |  Healthcare through a Human Rights Crisis: Six Months after a Near-Total Abortion Ban in Texas
Ghazaleh Moayedi, DO, MPH, FACOG, Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Pegasus Health Justice Center and Founding Member of Centering Equity, Race and Cultural Literacy in Family Planning 

March 16  |  Grief 101 for the Obstetrician: What Words and What Actions for Our Patients, Families and Each Other?
Anthony Nicholas Galanos, MA, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine, and Clinical Lead, Duke Palliative Care

March 23  |  Fellow Grand Rounds: For Better Care We Need Better Data: Towards a National Obstetrics Database
Jeff Federspiel, MD, PhD, Senior Fellow, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

March 30  |  Care of Non-binary and Transgender Patients: The Importance of an Interdisciplinary Approach
Dane Whicker, PhD, Clinical Health Psychologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, DUHS

April 6  |  Chief Resident Grand Rounds: Secondary Traumatic Stress, Shame and Resilience in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Chelsea Feldman, MD, Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

April 20  |  Donald T. Moore, MD, Lecture: Black Maternal Health
Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor and Blue Cross Endowed Professor of Health and Racial Equity, Division of Health Policy and Management and Director, Center for Antiracism Research for Health Equity at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health

May 4  |  Fellow Grand Rounds: Exosomes and the Female Reproductive System: A Global Overview
Kateena Addae-Konadu, MD, PhD, MSc, Senior Fellow, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

May 11  |  Grand Rounds: Diagnosis and Management of Müllerian Anomalies
Cassandra Kisby, MD, MS and Jennifer Howell, MD

May 11 at 8:30 a.m.  |  Grand Rounds: E-Cigarettes and Pregnancy: Is there Cause for Concern?
Margeaux Marbrey, PhD, Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

May 18  |  Health Services̷ Research 
Shitanshu Uppal, MBBS, Director of Quality Improvement in Gynecology; Co-Director, Michigan Oncology Quality Consortium; and Program Director, Fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology, University of Michigan 

May 20 at 9 a.m.  |  Charles B. Hammond, MD, Research Day in Duke South Amphitheater

May 25  |  Grand Rounds: D&I Forum Theater
Sarahn Wheeler, MD; Elizabeth Livingston, MD; Diana McNeill, MD; Benjamin Harris, MD, MPH

June 1 | Grand Rounds: Joint Emergency Medicine / Obstetrics & Gynecology Education Event - Case-Based Presentations:  Ectopic Pregnancy Diagnosis Guide
Lisa Muasher, MD, MPH; Nicole Kerner, MD; and Anthony Swartz, BS, RT(R), RDMS

June 8 | Grand Rounds: Exercise Recommendations During and After Pregnancy: How Movement Mitigates Perinatal Problems
Katie Fincher, PT, DPT, CLT, CSCS, Department of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy, Adult Ambulatory Division - Lenox Baker Children's Hospital, Women's Health Specialties 

June 15 | Grand Rounds: Antimicrobial Signaling at the Maternal-Fetal Interface
Carolyn Coyne, PhD,  Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Duke Human Vaccine Institute, Duke University School of Medicine 

August 3 | Chief Resident Grand Rounds: Stepping Over a Viper: Self-Managed Abortion Post-Roe
Melissa Montoya, MD, MA, Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

August 17 | Grand Rounds: Restructuring Gynecologic Surgical Education:  It’s a Matter of Equity
Marta Ann Crispens, MD, MBA, FACOG, Professor and Director, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Chair, Scientific Review Committee, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Nashville, TN

August 24 | Fellow Grand Rounds: Topic: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease: Intersection of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Oncology
Ben Albright, MD, Senior Gynecologic Oncology Fellow, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

August 31 | Grand Rounds: South Carolina After Dobbs
N. Dawn Bingham, MD, MPH, FACOG, University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Columbia, SC

September 7 | Fellow Grand Rounds: So What Does Frail Mean, Anyway?
Douglas Luchristt MD, MPHSenior Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery Fellow, DUHS

September 14 | Grand Rounds: Update on SOM Learning Environment / Patient First Curriculum AY 2022-2023
Nancy Knudsen, MD, and Aditee Narayan, MD, Duke University School of Medicine

September 21 | Grand Rounds: Health Services Research
Shitanshu Uppal, MBBS, Director of Quality Improvement in Gynecology; Co-Director, Michigan Oncology Quality Consortium; Program Director, Fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

September 26 | Grand Rounds: What All Ob\Gyns Need to Know About Medication Abortion for Post-Roe Practice
Jonas Swartz, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Women's Community and Population Health, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

October 12 | University of North Carolina’s Inaugural Clarke-Pearson Lectureship in Gynecologic Oncology – via Zoom from UNC – Endometrial Cancer: Past, Present? Future?
William Creasman, MD, MUSC Hollings Cancer Center, Charleston, SC

November 9 - 8-10 a.m. | 4th Annual Duke Association of Women Surgeons Grand Rounds
Co-Sponsors:  Department of Surgery and Surgical Disciplines
8-9 a.m.  |  Leadership — presented by Omaida Velazquez, MD, FACS, Chair, DeWitt Daughtry Family Department of Surgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
9-10 a.m.  |  Duke Data and Initiative Presentation

November 16 | Chief Resident Grand Rounds: Facilitating Fertility: Infertility Insurance Mandates in the United States
Benjamin Peipert, MD, Chief Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

November 30 | Grand Rounds: Duke Placenta Accreta Spectrum Care Program
Jennifer Gilner, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

December 7 | Chief Resident Grand Rounds: Take Me Home Country Road: A Rural OB/GYN Primer
Ryan Duggal, MD, Resident, Ob/Gyn, DUHS

Morbidity and Mortality

Ob/Gyn Morbidity and Mortality is held virtually and in person on most Wednesday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Virtual participation is limited to faculty, trainees, nurses and medical students. All materials and discussion in this forum are confidential and to be used solely for the purpose of quality improvement. No content should be discussed or shared outside of this meeting.​

Those on the distribution list will receive the Zoom meeting invitations and passcode in Outlook.

Faculty Meetings

Ob/Gyn Faculty Meetings are held every other month. Faculty and APPs will receive a unique Outlook calendar invitation for the entire series.

Those on the distribution list will receive the recurring Zoom meeting invitation and passcode in Outlook. 

Slide decks from faculty meetings are posted on the Duke Ob/Gyn Intranet website under Faculty Items


Exceptions may occur when the Ob/Gyn Department collaborates with educational events sponsored by other Departments. The invitations and links to these joint events may be initiated by another department and are not part of the Ob/Gyn grand rounds or faculty meeting series.


Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds is approved for 1.0 credits of continuing medical education. 

To establish a new CME account, view your CME transcript or refresh an existing account, login with your net ID credentials.

Texting for Ob/Gyn CME credit opens at 7:45 a.m. the morning of conference and remains open for 24 hours. You will receive a confirmation text when credit has been recorded and the credit will be reflected on your transcript.