BIRCWH Mentors

Name/Degree(s) Rank / Title Appointment(s) Research Interest
Bennett, Gary, PhD Professor Psychology and Neuroscience; Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI), Duke Obesity treatment; design, test and disseminate digital health interventions
Berchuck, Andrew, MD Professor & Chief Obstetrics and Gynecology- Gynecologic Oncology; Duke Ovarian, endometrial and lower genital tract cancers
Capel, Blanche, PhD Professor Cell Biology; Cell and Molecular Biology Program (CMB), Duke Sex determination; testis/ovary development/germ cell development
Clowse, Megan, MD, MPH Associate Professor

Medicine, Rheumatology and Immunology

Reproductive rheumatology
Corneli, Amy, PhD

Associate Professor

Population Health Sciences Qualitative methodology; HIV prevention
Diehl, Anna Mae, MD Professor

Medicine-Gastroenterology; Molecular Genetics and Microbiology; Director of the Duke Liver Center

Basic mechanisms of liver injury and regeneration. Genomic and developmental biological approaches

Dzirasa, Kafui, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke Psychiatric neuroengineering; how neuropsychiatric risk genes interact with environmental stress to modify neural circuits that underlie normal emotional and cognitive function

Groh, Jennifer, PhD


Psychology & Neuroscience; Neurobiology; Computer Science; Member of Center for Cognitive Neuroscience

How sensory and motor systems work together; sensorimotor and cognitive processing

Hwang, Shelley, MD, MPH Professor Mary and Deryl Hart Distinguished Professor of Surgery Cancer biology, clinical trials, breast cancer prevention, identifying less invasive treatments for early stage breast cancers; genomics of cancer progression
Katz, David, PhD Professor

Biomedical Engineering; Pratt School of Engineering

Development of topical microbicide products for prevention of HIV transmission and infection
Kuhn, Cynthia, PhD Professor Pharmacology and Cancer Biology; Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences; Member of the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences; Affiliate of the Center for Child and Family Policy Biologic factors that increase vulnerability to drug abuse and depression in vulnerable populations; sex/gender differences in health
Lefkowitz, Robert, MD Professor Medicine-Cardiology; Biochemistry; Chemistry; Pathology; Investigator Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Duke Hormones, medical biology, membrane biochemistry, signal transduction
McDonnell, Donald, PhD Professor & Chair Pharmacology and Cancer Biology; Medicine, Duke

Defining the role of estrogen and progesterone in the pathology of hormone dependent breast cancers.

Molecular pharmacology of nuclear receptors.
Murphy, Susan, PhD Associate Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology- Gynecologic Oncology; Pathology, Duke Epigenetics of gynecology, cancers; early origins of disease
Myers, Evan, MD, MPH Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology- Clinical and Epidemiological Research, Duke Epidemiological methods; mathematical modeling and decision analysis, applied to problems in women’s health
Ostbye, Truls, MD, MPH, MBA, PhD Professor Community and Family Medicine; Research Professor, Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI), Duke Public health; epidemiology of obesity, aging and health services
Prvu-Bettger, Janet, DSc  Professor Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Temple University Health services; scaling effective programs; integrating health & social care
Ramanujam, Nimmi, PhD Professor Biomedical Engineering; Pharmacology & Cancer Biology; Research Professor of Global Health; Director, Global Women’s Health Technologies Center, Duke Biophotonica, tissue optical spectroscopy; Cancer screening, intra-operative margin assessment, visualizing tumor hypoxia and metabolism in the context of cancer therapy and drug discovery; multi-disciplinary effort to translate these technologies to clinical applications in the breast, and cervix
Rockman, Howard, MD Professor Medicine-Cardiology; Cell Biology; Molecular Genetics, Duke Molecular mechanisms of cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure; G protein-coupled receptors
Secord, Angeles, MD, MHSc Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology, Duke Translational focus; angiogenesis, molecular signatures, clinical trial development, and ovarian cancer
Taylor, Darlene Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry, NCCU Structure-property relationships in oligomers and polymers
Valdivia, Raphael, PhD Professor Molecular Genetics & Microbiology; Duke; Vice Dean for Basic Science, Duke Microbiology and host pathogen interactions, chlamydia infections
Visco, Anthony, MD Professor & Chief Obstetrics and Gynecology- Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Duke Outcomes for surgical and non-surgical treatments of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse
Weinhold, Kent J, PhD Professor & Chief Surgery-Surgical Sciences; Immunology; Pathology; Director, Duke Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), Duke Predictive immune signatures; host cellular immune responses role in prevention and control of infectious and neoplastic diseases; immunologic biomarkers
Williams, Kevin, PhD Professor Pharmaceutical Sciences, NCCU Drug discovery for cancer; Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorder
Wood, Kris, PhD Associate Professor Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke Pharmacology, genomic, cell signaling to study how oncogenic signals later metabolic states