Cooper Contributes to AAPL Publication, Presents at National Symposium

Duke Ob/Gyn’s vice chair for ambulatory services, Alice Cooper, OGNP, RNC, is represented in and contributed to a peer-reviewed article and expert perspective published by the American Association for Physician Leadership in March:  “A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of the Emerging Role of Access Medical Director in U.S. Health Systems”; additionally, she contributed to the expert perspective “The Case for Patient Access Medical Director."

In addition to her departmental leadership role, Alice is a member of the Duke Health Integrated Practice leadership team and serves as Duke Health’s medical director for Access Services.

Alice was represented in the articles — which aimed to create an evidence-and expertise-informed framework to identify elements of the emerging clinician leadership role in ambulatory access in U.S. health systems, and to identify the prevalence of clinician leaders assigned to this role — as the only advanced practice provider serving in the capacity of medical director of access services.

The research may serve as a source of reference material for health systems considering the role of access medical director. Ninety health systems were invited to participate in the quantitative survey; 53 accepted in 2022 and 50 in 2023.

Study data table of Access Medical Director Profiles.
Source: American Association for Physician Leadership

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