Duke Ob/Gyn was well-represented at SGO’s 50th Annual Meeting. Andrew Berchuck, MD, was one of three moderators for the Farr Nezhat Surgical Innovation Session, which traced surgical progress in the past half-century. Incoming intern Julia Salinaro, MD, presented a poster (PI: Brittany Davidson, MD) looking at the rate of thromboembolism in women with advanced ovarian cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy; Rebecca Previs, MD, MS, discussed the role of CaMMK2-can in ovarian cancer biology and potential inhibition. Fellow Haley Moss, MD, MBA, had a poster assessing real-world analysis of maintenance PARP inhibitors on BRCA mutated patients, Fellow Allison Puechl, MD, had a poster looking at risk of recurrent disease in women with isolated tumor cells in Stage I endometrial cancer, and Fellow Catie Watson, MD, used LACE score to predict readmission in oncology patients. Angeles Secord, MD, MHSc, moderated a discussion on weight loss as an intervention in disease progression and recurrence, and Kim Nolte PA-C, presented interviewing strategies. Third-year resident Luke Gatta, MD, presented an oral session presenting Duke’s novel management of morbidly adherent placenta. (P.I.’s Dr. Angeles Secord and Dr. Paula Lee) with an interesting distillation from former SGO president John P Curtin.