On Jan. 5, eight Duke Ob/Gyn faculty members — Emily Herfel, DO, MSc-GH; Amber Jarvis, MD; Nicole Kerner, MD; Mollie Kotzen, MD, MPH; Craig Sobolewski, MD; Paul Sparzak, DO; Elizabeth Thomason, MD, MPH; and Kerry Traverso, MD — were trained in an advanced gynecological surgery procedure known as vNOTES, or vaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery.
The vNOTES technology allows surgeons to perform complex hysterectomies and other surgeries laparoscopically through the vagina, avoiding the need for any abdominal incision. Providers are certified through a one-day training program that involves two simulation surgeries. Department members who are interested in receiving training and certification should email Mark Lachiewicz, MD, MPH.