Jeffrey Kuller, MD, Helps Develop PROLOG Study Guide

Jeffrey Kuller, MD, and colleagues, have developed PROLOG: Obstetrics, a newly released ACOG publication used by residents and practitioners. Following a 2-year development process, Dr. Kuller and task force members collaborated on the newly revised eighth edition, which provides updated data, techniques, and best practice recommendations, including the following:

  • Understanding of maternal and fetal physiology
  • Identification of components of antepartum care that optimize maternal and perinatal outcomes
  • Efficacious and cost-effective management of obstetric conditions
  • Invasive and noninvasive methods of fetal assessment in the antepartum period
  • Risks, indications, predictive value, and physiologic basis for antepartum tests
  • Management strategies for intrapartum care and delivery
  • Medical–legal principles, risk management, and office management guidelines in obstetric practice
