Ana Buck, MD, Accepted into ADVANCE UP Program

Ana Buck, MD, recently was accepted into the Duke University School of Medicine ADVANCE-UP (Academic DeVelopment, Advocacy, Networking, Coaching and Education for Underrepresented Populations) Program. She is one of only 13 faculty accepted into the 2019 program. 

The program aims to provide unique enrichment activities designed to focus on challenges underrepresented faculty in medicine (URiM) encounter in academic medical centers. ADVANCE-UP ultimately seeks to create a network of scholars that will enhance the sense of community among underrepresented faculty, foster timely promotion, and increase representation in leadership positions. 

This year-long program includes a combination of full-day, half-day, and 1-2-hour sessions. Content focuses on personal career development planning, skill building, peer mentoring, coaching, and communication skills needed to navigate academic medicine.
