On Friday, May 3, nine residents and six fellows presented their research, representing the culmination of months of thoughtful inquiry, hard work and personal and professional growth, at the department's annual Charles B. Hammond, MD, Research Day.
The department was honored to welcome featured lecturer and distinguished judge Mary E. D’Alton, MD, Willard C. Rappleye Professor and chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Dr. D’Alton presented “Gaps in Women’s Health,” covering a broad array of topics, including aspects of training models, disparities, leadership, philanthropy and artificial intelligence.
The event’s other distinguished judges were:
- Ashley E. Veade, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, associate residency program director and current F. Bayard Carter Society president
- Jennifer M. Wu, MD, MPH, professor in the Division of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery and vice dean for academic affairs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine
"As I have noted on many occasions, Hammond Research Day is one of my favorite events of our academic year. It is a time to celebrate and honor our academic mission, as well as our trainees for their achievements in research and dedication to impacting the future of women’s health — never more important than in today’s challenging and difficult times," said Department Chair Matthew D. Barber, MD, MHS. "We’ve augmented the program to now include a poster gallery displaying the research of third-year medical students and PhD candidates working with Duke Ob/Gyn faculty members."
Research Day Winners for 2024:
- Ronan P. Sugrue, MBBCh, MPH — Fellow Winner
- Jenny Wu, MD — First Place Resident Winner
- Bobby L. May, Jr., MD — Second Place Resident Winner
- Alice J. Darling, MD — Third Place Resident Winner
- Sage L. Atkins, BS (Duke SoM) — Outstanding Scientific Poster Winner
Additionally, the CREOG award winner for the highest score was announced: Administrative Chief Resident Elizabeth Howell, MD.
"We are privileged to have the opportunity to celebrate this day, and to honor Dr. Hammond. He was committed to ensuring that residents and fellows developed into well-rounded academic obstetrician/gynecologists with outstanding clinical skills, a sharp scientific mind and a compassionate heart," said Dr. Barber.
A summary of all presentations can be found in the program book here.