Welcome to our Resident Class of 2029

Today Duke Ob/Gyn announced the resident class of 2029. The Class of 2029 has collectively done many amazing things, and the department is honored to guide them through this next phase of training at Duke Ob/Gyn.

Mikayla Bowen, MD, PhD —  The McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Elana Brotkin, MD, MPH — The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine

Kelby Hunt, MD, MPH — The University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine

Spoorthi Kamepalli, MD — Baylor College of Medicine

Dionna Littleton, MD — University of Kansas School of Medicine Kansas City

Siera Lunn, MD — Duke University School of Medicine

Jada Phillips, MD — University of Missouri — Columbia School of Medicine

Nishita Pondugula, MD, MS — Yale School of Medicine

Angela Rutkowski, MD — Rush Medical College
