Maya Nitecki, MD, MPH

Maya Nitecki, MD
Residency Program - PGY1


Residency Program

Start Year: 


Why did you choose Duke for your residency training?

I was drawn by two things during interview day. First was the impact and value that the program attributed to educating physician that are "kind consultants." I felt this said so much about the program and it's leadership, as these are basic everyday interactions that affect so much of the way we deliver care as a team. Second, the program emphasized "progress, not perfection." Again, I thought that this says a lot about the training environment – perfection is rigid, but progress focuses on process on learning, growing and analyzing our mistakes. I felt the same spirit throughout interview day, and I knew this was the right place for me.

What excites you about the residency program at Duke Ob/Gyn?

The people and the unique culture that is very collegial and very focused on daily improvement.

What are your career goals?

To evolve as an educator, clinician and researcher. I aspire to be the kind of physician that can provide the best evidence-based care to the individual patient, and then zoom-out and draw conclusions through research, ultimately affecting women's health on a broader scale.

Describe your research interests/goals:

Epidemiological research, policies and screening tests pertaining women's health, Cardiometabolic diseases in women.

What are your hobbies?

Baking, spending time with friends and family (usually over a great meal), watching movies and playing tennis.


Education & Training

Undergraduate school & graduation year: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Hadassah Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel, 2014

Medical school & graduation year:
Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel, 2019


Awards & Honors

Israel Defense Forces Surgeon's General (Chief Medical Officer) Exemplary Service Award in 2023 for research and innovation Selected for the Israel Defense Forces humanitarian aid mission to Kahramanmaras, Turkey - 2022

Selected to participate in the National Mission of Home Hospitalization for COVID-19 patients, Israel Defense Forces, 2021

Graduated Israel Defense Forces Medical Officers’ course with honorary distinction 2019

Outstanding Intern Award 2018-2019 - Hadassah Medical Center Medical School summa cum laude, Hebrew University, Hadassah medical school, Israel – 2019

Bachelor's of Medical Science Magna Cum Laude, Hebrew University, Hadassah medical school, Israel – 2014 Dean's list (*4), Hebrew University Hadassah medical school, Israel – 2011/2012, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2015/16



Nitecki S.S, Nitecki M , Bass A. Venous malformations of Kippel-Trenaunay syndrome- Treatment by steam and sclerotherapy. Ann Vasc Med Res. 2019;5;1093

Nitecki M, Taran B, Ketko I, Geva G, Yosef R, Toledo I, Twig G, Avramovitch E, Gordon B, Derazne E, Fink N, Furer A, Self-reported symptoms in healthy young adults to predict potential coronavirus disease 2019, Clin. Microbiol. Infect. 2021;27(4):618-623).

Geva G.A, Ketko I, Nitecki. M, Shoham S, Barr I, Toldeo I, Shapira M, Vaturi B, Votta Y, Filler D, Yosef R, Shpitzer S, Hir N, Perry M, Fink N, Glassberg E, Furer A. Data Empowerment of Decision Makers in an Era of Pandemic and Artificial Intelligence Intersection In the Service of Medicine. JMIR. 2021;23(9)

Nitecki M, Savitsky B, Akavian I, et al. B.1.1.7 Variant Outbreak in an Air Force Military Base—Real-World Data. Mil Med. November 2021. doi:10.1093/MILMED/USAB451

Akavian I, Nitzan I, Talmy T, Nitecki M, Gendler S, Besor O. SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant: Clinical Presentation and Occupational Implications in Young and Healthy IDF Soldiers. ;Mil Med. September 2022. doi:10.1093/MILMED/USAC263

Geva A Gil*, Nitecki M*, Ketko I, Toledo I, Shpitzer S, Benov A, Fink N, Furer A. Lessons from outbreaks of COVID-19 at Israeli military bases. IMAJ. September 2022.

Shapira S, Nitecki M, Tzur D, et al. Occupational Exposure to Nonionizing Radiation and Risk for Malignancy in Young Adults. Mil Med. Published online February 3, 2023. doi:10.1093/MILMED/USAD020

Nitecki M, Shapiro G, Orr O, et al. Association between BMI and Non-specific Recurrent Low Back Pain in over 600,000 Healthy Young Adults. Am J Epidemiol. Published online April 21, 2023. doi:10.1093/AJE/KWAD102

Nitecki M, Ohayon S, Almog O. Characteristics of humanitarian aid in a developed country: Israel Defense Force’s experience from the Türkiye -Syria earthquake. J Glob Health. 2023;13:03049

Nitecki M, Nitecki M, Gerstein HC, Balmakov Y, et al. High BMI and the risk for incident type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of aggregated cohort studies. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2023;22(1). doi:10.1186/S12933-023-02007-Y



Return to Active Flying Duty after recovery from Mild COVID-19. Maya Nitecki MD, Yuval Kozlov Omer Tehori MD, Aya Eckstein, Daniel Gabai MD, Oded Ben Ari MD. "Shoresh" 2022

Association between BMI and Non-Specific Recurrent Low Back Pain in over 600,000 Healthy Young Adults. Maya Nitecki MD, Galina Shapiro MD PhD, Omri Orr MD, Gilad Twig MD, MPH, PhD, Shachar Shapira MD, MHA, MA. SOMOS 2022.

B.1.1.7 variant outbreak in an Air Force military base- real world data. Maya Nitecki MD, Alexey Yakhin MD, Tamar Narkiss DVM, Yossi Ben Michael MD, MHA, Shachar Shapira MD, MHA, MA, Limor Friedensohn MD. Poster Presentation. Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS) 2021.

Lessons from Outbreaks of COVID-19 in Israeli Military Bases. Gil Geva* MD, Maya Nitecki* MD, Itay Ketko MSc, Itay Toledo BSc, Avi Benov MD, Noam Fink MD, Ariel Furer MD, MBA.

Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS) 2021; Data Empowerment of Decision Makers in an Era of Pandemic 'Classic' and Artificial Intelligence Intersection in the Service of Medicine. Gil Alexander Geva MD, Itay Ketko MSc, Maya Nitecki MD, Shoham Simon MSc, Barr Inbar MSc, Itay Toldeo BSc, Michael Shapira MD, Barak Vaturi BSc, Yoni Votta BSc, Daniel Filler BSc, Roey Yosef BSc, Sagi Shpitzer MD, Nabil Hir MSc, Michal Perry Markovich VMD, Noam Fink MD, Elon Glassberg MD Ariel Furer MD, MBA.

Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS) 2021; Use of WhatsApp Chat Group to Empower Junior Physicians- Lessons from the IDF group "Consult an Orthopedic Surgeon". Adili Tsur MD, Gil Geva MD, Yuval Ran MD, Aharon Finestone MD, Maya Nitecki MD, Amir Shlaifer MD. Poster presentation. Society of Military Orthopedic Surgeons (SOMOS) 63rd annual meeting 2021.

Frequency domain characteristics of the full field electroretinogram (ERG) oscillatory potentials (OPs) employing wavelet analysis. Anfisa Ayalon, Maya Nitecki, Inbar Erdinest, Jose-Alain Sahel, Eyal Banin, Alkiviades Liasis, Boris Rosin. Poster presentation. Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology (ARVO) annual meeting 2023.