Duke Ob/Gyn will soon be planning impactful lectures on such topics as health care disparities, societal issues related to access to care, and the economics and politics of health care, thanks to a milestone accomplishment: full funding of the Donald T. Moore, MD, Endowed Lectureship. This endowed lectureship honors Dr. Moore, who had a tremendous impact as the first African American Fellow in the School of Medicine, following the evolving desegregation of Duke Hospital. Dr. Moore was asked to join the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the invitation of Chairman Roy T. Parker, MD. Dr. Moore also served as Chief of Ob/Gyn at Lincoln Hospital, which later became Lincoln Community Health Center, and trained many residents, medical students and nurses. Dr. Parker once noted, "There is a place in heaven for Dr. Don Moore for improving the health care of minority - especially African American - women."