Congratulations to faculty included in Duke University's "Winter Roundup of 38 Duke-Authored Titles to Add to Your Reading List."
Jennifer L. Eaton, MD, MSCI, Medical Director of Assisted Reproductive Technology at the Duke Fertility Center, is recognized as editor of Thyroid Disease and Reproduction: A Clinical Guide to Diagnosis and Management.
MFM faculty Jennifer Gilner, MD, PhD, and Jeffrey Kuller, MD, are included as contributors in Creasy & Resnick’s Maternal-Fetal Medicine Principles & Practice 8th edition. Dr. Kuller is senior author of chapters on “Human Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance” and “Molecular Genetic Technologies.” Dr. Gilner is first author of the molecular genetic technologies chapter.
Dr. Kuller also has co-authored the book Perinatal Genetics, a useful resource for resident and fellow education.