Start Year:
Why did you choose Duke for your residency training?
Duke felt like the perfect combination of rigorous clinical training, research support and quality of life in a culture of advocacy and mutual respect. I felt confident from my interview that I would be supported to become the best doctor, advocate and person that I could here at Duke. I got the sense (now happily confirmed!) that the residents are happy, inclusive and well-cared for despite the intensity of the training.
What excites you about the residency program at Duke OB/GYN?
I am amazed each day by my colleagues’ commitment to providing high-quality, evidence-based and respectful patient care. There are so many smart and dedicated, but humble people providing life-changing health care, doing practice-changing research and/or improving care through advocacy – I am excited to learn more about my co-residents’ and faculty members’ unique backgrounds, interests and accomplishments! I am also eager and honored to serve and learn from the women and families of Durham.
What are your career goals?
I am interested in maternal-fetal medicine and the complex intersection of high-risk pregnancy care and family planning. I hope to forge a career focused on helping people with complex medical conditions, pregnancy complications and/or fetal anomalies safely attain the families they want and deserve. I am also eager to continue my research efforts to improve and expand access to reproductive health care both locally and nationally.
Describe your research interests/goals:
Access to contraception and abortion, reproductive decision making, health care delivery and equity
What are your hobbies?
Spending time with my husband and two children, hiking and exploring Durham!
Education & Training
Undergraduate school & graduation year:
Princeton University, 2011
Medical school & graduation year:
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 2021
Award and Honors
Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology Travel Scholar Program recipient, 2022
Dr. and Mrs. S. Sutton Hamilton Translational Science Award, University of Pittsburgh Medical Scientist Training Program, 2020
Pre-Doctoral Fellow, University of Pittsburgh Clinical and Translational Science TL1 Fellowship Program, 2016-2019
Judge-Golden CP, Dotters-Katz SK, Weber JM, Pieper CF, Gray BA. Parenthood and Medical Training: Challenges and Experiences of Physician Moms in the US. Teach Learn Med. 2022 Nov 12;:1-10.
Judge-Golden C, Kroll-Desrosiers A, Mattocks K, Borrero S. Prior Abortions and Barriers to Abortion Access Reported by Pregnant Women Veterans. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Sep;37(Suppl 3):816-818.
Judge-Golden CP, Kroll-Desrosiers A, Mattocks K, Borrero S. Prior abortions and barriers to abortion access reported by pregnant women Veterans. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2022 [In press]
Montoya M, Judge-Golden CP, Swartz J. The Problems with Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Reviewing the Literature and Identifying New Directions for Future Research. International Journal of Women's Health 2022 Jun 8;14 757-763.
Judge-Golden CP, Flink-Bochacki R. The Burden of Abortion Restrictions and Conservative Diagnostic Guidelines on Patient-Centered Care for Early Pregnancy Loss. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2021 Sep 1;138(3):467-471.
Orr K, Chin J, Cuddeback M, Zimo J, Judge-Golden C, Jarlenski M, Borrero S. Pharmacy availability of emergency contraception in southwestern Pennsylvania: A simulated patient study. Contraception X 2021 Jul 25;3:100068.
Wolgemuth T, Judge-Golden C, Lane K, Stern J, Borrero S. Perspectives of Internal Medicine Physicians Regarding Medication Abortion Provision in the Primary Care Setting. Contraception 2021 Apr 22;S0010-7824(21)00128-1.
Judge-Golden CP, Wiesenfeld HC, Chen BA, Borrero S. Adherence to Recommended Practices for Provision of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Among Providers in a Large U.S. Health Care System. Journal of Women’s Health. 2020;29(12):1586-1595
Quinn DA, Sileanu FE, Zhao X, Mor MK, Judge-Golden C, Callegari LS, & Borrero S. History of unintended pregnancy and patterns of contraceptive use among racial and ethnic minority women Veterans. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2020;223(4):564.e1-564.e13
Judge-Golden CP, Wolgemuth TE, Zhao X, Mor MK, Borrero S. Agreement between self-reported “ideal” and currently used contraceptive methods among women Veterans using the Veterans Affairs healthcare system. Women’s Health Issues. 2020; 30(4):283-291
Arora KS, Zhao X, Judge-Golden CP, Mor MK, Callegari LS, Borrero S. Factors Associated with Choice of Sterilization Among Women Veterans. Journal of Women’s Health (Larchmt). 2020;29(7):989-995
MacDonald S, Judge-Golden CP, Borrero SP, Zhao X, Mor MK, Hausmann LRM. Experiences of Perceived Gender-based Discrimination among Women Veterans: Data from the ECUUN Study. Medical Care. 2020; 58(5): 483-490
Britton LE, Judge-Golden CP, Wolgemuth TE, Zhao X, Mor MK, Callegari L, Borrero S. Associations Between Perceived Susceptibility to Pregnancy and Contraceptive Use in a National Sample of Women Veterans. Perspectives in Sexual and Reproductive Health. 2019;51(4):211-218
Judge-Golden CP, Smith KJ, Mor MK, Borrero S. Financial Implications of 12-month Dispensing of Oral Contraceptive Pills in the Veterans Affairs Health Care System. JAMA Intern Med. 2019;179(9):1201–1208
Yecies EB, Judge-Golden CP, Callegari L, Borrero S. Contraceptive Care in the Veterans Health Administration. Semin Reprod Med. 2019; 37(1):24-31
Judge-Golden CP, Borrero S, Zhao X, Mor MK, Callegari LS. The association between mental health disorders and history of unintended pregnancy among women Veterans. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2018;33(12):2092-2099
Wolgemuth TE, Judge-Golden CP, Callegari LS, Zhao X, Mor MK, Borrero S. Associations Between Pregnancy Intention, Attitudes, and Contraceptive Use Among Women Veterans in the ECUUN Study. Women’s Health Issues. 2018;28(6):480-487
Judge CP, Zhao X, Sileanu FE, Mor MK, Borrero S. Medical contraindications to estrogen and contraceptive use among women Veterans. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;218(2):234.e1-234.e9
Judge CP, Wolgemuth TE, Hamm ME, Borrero S. “Without bodily autonomy we are not free”: Exploring women’s concerns about future access to contraception following the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Contraception. 2017; 96(5): 370-7
Judge CP, Borrero S. Contraceptive decision making after the 2016 US Presidential Election. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017;217(1):89-90.
Judge-Golden, CP, Lambert K, Cate J, Estin M, Wheeler S, Dotters-Katz S. Morbidity in Expectant Management of Pre-viable Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes. Abstract and poster presentation at the Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology annual meeting, Denver, CO, July 27-29, 2023.
Judge-Golden CP, Craig AM, Moyett J, Ramey-Collier K, Hughes BL, Dotters-Katz SS. Disease severity across pandemic waves among pregnant individuals with COVID-19. Abstract and poster presentation and the Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology, August 4-6, 2022.
Judge-Golden CP, Smith KJ, Mor MK, Borrero S. Financial implications to the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System of allowing for 12-month dispensing of oral contraceptive pills. Abstract and poster presentation at the Society of General Internal Medicine, Washington, D.C., May 8-11, 2019.
Judge CP, Smith KJ, Mor MK, Borrero S. Cost implications to the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System of switching from a 3-month to a 12-month dispensing policy for oral contraceptive pills. Contraception. 2018 Oct; 98(4):347. Abstract and poster presentation at the North American Forum on Family Planning, New Orleans, Oct 19-22, 2018.
Judge CP, Zhao X, Mor MK, Sileanu FE, Borrero S. Agreement between “ideal” and currently used contraceptive methods among women Veterans. Contraception. 2018 Oct; 98(4):348. Abstract and poster presentation at the North American Forum on Family Planning, New Orleans, Oct 19-22, 2018.
Judge CP, Zhao X, Mor M, Sileanu F, Borrero S. “Medical contraindications to estrogen and contraceptive use among women Veterans: Results from the ECUUN study.” Abstract and oral presentation at Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) 2017 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 19-22, 2017.