Event sponsored by:
School of Medicine (SOM)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Office of the Chancellor for Health Affairs (DUHS)
School of Medicine-Office of Diversity & Inclusion
Jane Black
Rachel R. Hardeman, PhD, MPH
Duke Ob/Gyn is proud to present the 2022 Donald T. Moore, MD, Endowed Lecture honoring the legacy of the esteemed physician, educator and community leader. Following the evolving desegregation of Duke Hospital, Dr. Moore had a tremendous impact as the first African American Fellow in the School of Medicine when he was asked to join the Department of Ob/Gyn at the invitation of Chairman Roy T. Parker, MD. He also served as Chief of Ob/Gyn at Lincoln Hospital, which later became Lincoln Community Health Center, and trained many Duke residents, medical students and nurses.
Systemic racism is a public health crisis that harms everyone. Since quality healthcare requires equity, Duke Health is committed to eradicating healthcare disparities, including those to be examined in the 2022 Donald T. Moore, MD, Endowed Lecture.
Featured Speaker | Rachel R. Hardeman, PhD, MPH, is a reproductive health equity researcher and a tenured associate professor in the Division of Health Policy and Management at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. Dr. Hardeman's research applies the tools of population health science and health services research to elucidate a critical and complex determinant of health inequity - racism. She leverages frameworks of critical race theory and reproductive justice to inform equity-centered work, aiming to build empirical evidence of racism's impact on health, particularly for Black birthing people and their babies.
A panel discussion on combating disparities in maternal healthcare will follow the remarks. CMEs will be available to Duke users with a CME account and non-Duke users with a Duke OneLink account. All in-person attendees must show proof of vaccination. A virtual option is available. Learn more: https://files.constantcontact.com/14aa1a1c601/63802ad5-444a-40a3-a27c-4…
Donald T. Moore, MD, Endowed Lecture