Mission and Vision
Mission: Engage in innovative research that leads to impactful discoveries in all aspects of human reproduction, while fostering a team-centric, inclusive mentoring environment.
Vision: Be a leading research hub that accelerates knowledge to improve human reproductive health.
Research Topics
Investigators in the Division of Reproductive Sciences are focused on a broad range of topics related to reproductive health, including:
- Placental development and function
- Placental immunology
- Pre-eclampsia
- Prematurity
- Uterine fibroids
- Ovarian cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Uterine contractility and abnormal labor
- Urinary microbiome
- Overactive bladder
- Epigenetics and epigenomics of gynecologic health and disease
- Imprinted genes in reproductive health and outcomes
- Impacts of the preconception environment
In addition to studies using human specimens and data, we use a number of model systems, including for example:
In vitro models:
- Placental trophoblast cell lines, stem cells, primary cells and placental barrier-on-a-chip.
- Organoid models of ovarian cancer
- Stem cell model of spermatogenesis
In vivo models:
- Rabbit and rat model of reproductive health and the health of offspring including immune function and neurobehavioral development.
- Rat model of ovarian cancer
- Mouse models of ovarian cancer